jishaku as an API

jishaku contains numerous internal classes and functions it uses to facilitate both the commands in the cog and miscellaneous parts of bot development.

You can use almost all of these for your own use, but be aware that the internals of jishaku, and how they work, are subject to change.

Most of the content in this document is autogenerated.

Help command classes

These are classes you can use, or subclass yourself, for help commands.

You can use them like this:

from discord.ext import commands

from jishaku.help_command import MinimalPaginatorHelp

bot = commands.Bot('?', help_command=MinimalPaginatorHelp())
class jishaku.help_command.DefaultPaginatorHelp(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A subclass of commands.DefaultHelpCommand that uses a PaginatorInterface for pages.

coroutine send_pages()[source]

A helper utility to send the page output from paginator to the destination.

class jishaku.help_command.DefaultEmbedPaginatorHelp(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A subclass of commands.DefaultHelpCommand that uses a PaginatorEmbedInterface for pages.

coroutine send_pages()[source]

A helper utility to send the page output from paginator to the destination.

class jishaku.help_command.MinimalPaginatorHelp(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A subclass of commands.MinimalHelpCommand that uses a PaginatorInterface for pages.

coroutine send_pages()[source]

A helper utility to send the page output from paginator to the destination.

class jishaku.help_command.MinimalEmbedPaginatorHelp(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A subclass of commands.MinimalHelpCommand that uses a PaginatorEmbedInterface for pages.

coroutine send_pages()[source]

A helper utility to send the page output from paginator to the destination.